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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Success Roadmap

Our RKC, David Whitley, asked our class if we would like to participate in a sort of "contest".  Being the competitive couple we are we absolutely said yes.  It is actually pretty cool, almost like a fantasy football league but for our bodies.  We get points for weekly and daily tasks (see below) and then at the end of the week our top score is 101 points.  the person with the highest point total gets a "prize".  Nikki had a perfect score of 101 this past week.  I had a 98 (not bad).  In all of this competitiveness I ended up losing 4 pounds in the process.  Very cool.

So get a group of your friends together and figure out a diet scheme and put a point total on it.  Don't do "total pounds lost".  That is stupid, and usually not fair.  If I lose 20 pounds but put on 10 pounds of muscle then I would only lose 10 pounds on a scale.  Strive for something better.  Overall what the contest does is makes you accountable to make good decisions about your health.  

Here are the totals for daily points in our little contest:
  • eat at least 5 meals per day 2-3 hours apart (1 point)
  • have a protein and a vegetable with every meal (1 point)
  • Attend KB bootcamp that day (3 points)
  • Review your short and long term goals (fitness, life, health, whatever) 1 point
  • log food into a food journal (2 points)
  • took a multivitamin (1 point)
Other ideas on point totals could be:  burned more calories than you ate that day, ate within 100 calories of your calculated daily total that you need to eat, 

Weekly point options
  • Plan meals ahead of time for the week (10 points)
  • Cook food in bulk and package for quick preparation (10 pts)
  • Set a personal record in your workout (achieve 10pts, attempt 5 points)
  • try a new healthy food (10 points)
  • Log onto the and talk about your goals (10 pts)
Other options for the week.  Of your total meals (35) you ate a cheat meal less than 4 times that week.  Never eat more calories than you burned that whole week.  Did something nice for a stranger.  (the sky is the limit!)


  1. Mark & Nikki- you guys are Rock Stars! Love the blog...very inspiring and makes me want to jump off the couch & go workout again! lol

    Miss you guys! -Ally

  2. Mark & Nikki- you guys are Rock Stars! Love the blog- very inspiring! Seriously makes me want to jump off the couch & go workout again! :)

    Miss you guys & keep up the awesome work!


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