It wasn't until I began to study for my National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Performance Enhancement Specialist certification that I learned about muscle imbalances that existed within the joints above and below the knee, which in turn caused the knee and foot to be out of alignment with activities, which then developed into knee pain/PFPS or worse. Then I attended Gray Cook and Lee Burton's Functional Movement Screen Seminar that I learned about faulty movement patterns and how to retrain them.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Patellar Pain: Part 2 - The Solution Step 1 - Posture
It wasn't until I began to study for my National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Performance Enhancement Specialist certification that I learned about muscle imbalances that existed within the joints above and below the knee, which in turn caused the knee and foot to be out of alignment with activities, which then developed into knee pain/PFPS or worse. Then I attended Gray Cook and Lee Burton's Functional Movement Screen Seminar that I learned about faulty movement patterns and how to retrain them.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Patellar Pain: Part 1 - The Problem

- Patellofemoral pain research refocuses on hip biomechanics.
- Patellofemoral Kinematics During Weight-Bearing and Non-Weight-Bearing Knee Extension in Persons With Lateral Subluxation of the Patella: A Preliminary Study 2003
- Management of Patellofemoral Pain Targeting Hip, Pelvis, and Trunk Muscle Function: 2 Case Reports-2003
- Differences in Hip Kinematics, Muscle Strength, and Muscle Activation Between Subjects With and Without Patellofemoral Pain -2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Our Success Roadmap
- eat at least 5 meals per day 2-3 hours apart (1 point)
- have a protein and a vegetable with every meal (1 point)
- Attend KB bootcamp that day (3 points)
- Review your short and long term goals (fitness, life, health, whatever) 1 point
- log food into a food journal (2 points)
- took a multivitamin (1 point)
- Plan meals ahead of time for the week (10 points)
- Cook food in bulk and package for quick preparation (10 pts)
- Set a personal record in your workout (achieve 10pts, attempt 5 points)
- try a new healthy food (10 points)
- Log onto the and talk about your goals (10 pts)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Is Your Personal Trainer Qualified to Teach Kettlebell?
Getting Started with Kettlebells

- The best option is to look onto Russian Kettlebell Website and search for instructors in your area where you can train with the best.
- If #1 is not an option you can also purchase the Men's Russian Kettlebell Quick Start Kit &/or the Women's Russian Kettlebell Quick Start Kit. The package includes a kettlebell, enter the kettlebell book (a must have) and the enter the kettlebell DVD. The Women's starter kitgets all the above but they get the new Kettlebell Goddess DVD instead of the enter the kettlebell DVD.
Let me know what you think and if you have any questions, Nik and I are always here to help and if we cannot answer the question we can pass it on to our RKC, David Whitley.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Shoe Selection

- The heavy padding takes away from your "proprioception" or balance. The proprioceptors in your body help to communicate to the rest of the body on where your body is in space, lets just say they are muffled somewhat when you have shoes on with a padded heel
- They take away from you using your biggest muscle, YOUR GLUTES! Think of it as this, if you come up from a deadlift or squat and are on your toes coming up you cannot fully initiate your glutes. You need to be able to drive force through your heels when performing squats and deadlifts, not the toes.
Your glute muscles are very important to your body and provide stability to your spine and lower body. As a society we suffer from "glute amnesia" (due to the fact that we sit all the time and do not use our glutes like we should, hence all the ankle, knee and back problems I see in therapy that are usually fixed with flexibility and good glute training).
I know, I know. Now you have to buy ANOTHER pair of shoes, but it will be worth it. I changed shoes and hit a new personal best on my snatch test on the 2nd day of training with them. You don't have to spend a lot of money actually. Pavel likes to wear Converse Chuck Taylors, Nikki and I spent $30 each and bought a pair of indoor soccer shoes, alot of RKC's wear Nike Free brand shoes. If is has a flat sole and is comfortable, then you are set!

From this day on if you walk into my clinic for therapy and you are not running that day, I will ask that you workout in flat soled shoes or I will have you work out in socks or bare feet. It makes a very significant difference when training and even in rehabilitation. As for running shoes, stick to running/walking in them. When its time to work on strength, take them off.