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Friday, September 26, 2008

Meet my kick ass wife.

I am always proud of all the cool things my wife can do. I guess that I have always given her credit, but have not been able to see it up close and personal on how athletically giften my wife is.

My kick ass wife.

We woke up this morning and headed off to meet David Whitley. He is a RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) Senior Instructor. Basically he goes around the world instructing individuals to become kettlebell instructors. He runs a kettlebell bootcamp in Nashville and I contacted him to sign up for his October bootcamp. He in turn contacted me to see if we can come to one of the current bootcamps and afterwards can go over some techniques of some of the major lifts. 

So my wife and I rolled out of bed at 5:45am this morning and headed over to the local park where David was holding his bootcamp. We chatted a little bit about how much Nikki and myself knew about kettlebells (we no some, but not nearly enough). Nikki was typically using a 10 pound kettlebell and I am using a 15 lb. one of my own. 

So we showed him what we knew about the two arm swing. He gave us some great cues and Nikki began to kick ass from the start. She picks up things so quickly! By the end of the 45 minute personal session with David we knew how to do the 2 arm swing and the turkish getup. 

What is so surprising is that Nikki began with doing a 2 arm swing with a 12 kilogram kettlebell (that is 26 lbs) and ended the day pushing around a 24 kilogram kettlebell (my cute wife is pushing around a 53 pound piece of iron!)

David was so impressed. He stated that in all his years of instructing that he has never had a women 2 arm swing a 24kg kettlebell on the first day. He stated, "the force is strong with this one!"  He even went so far as saying he would like to have Nikki and myself go and get Russian Kettlebell Challenge Instructor Certified in April! Here is a video of just what Nik did on her first day!

All in all we had a terrific time and a good workout. We look forward to coming to the upcoming class and all that we can learn about strength and kettlebells. I will try and do a weekly update on our kettlebell class with David so you guys can keep track on myself and my kickass wife!

If you want to learn more about David Whitley, check out He has some great youtube videos as well. Just search for davewhitley. If you want to learn more about kettlebells and instructors in your area check out

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